
Hello there. Nice to meet you. Who am I, you may ask?

I am a 24-year-old teacher student from Oulu, Finland. Well, I wasn’t born here, but as I have lived in so many different places, I really don’t always know myself where I’m from. I identify myself as a Finn, and, for now, I do live and study in Oulu.

So I am a teacher student. I am taking part in the Intercultural Teacher Education (ITE) program at the University of Oulu. Unlike other teacher education programs in Finland, ITE is taught mainly in English and it concentrates on challenges teachers face in a multicultural classroom. The program is a combined bachelor’s and master’s program, taking approximately five years. So far I have really enjoyed the program, and the people who I’ve met and study with are amazing.

Outside of my studies I am Continue reading “Introductions”

New year, new adventures

January. The start of a new year.

For me, the year changed while I was travelling home. It was on an airplane on my way from Vancouver to Paris, midnight GMT +1. Not too much fuss, no fireworks, just airplane attendants in party hats and a plane full of passengers. A little different from what I’m used to. But most significantly, I began my year travelling.

Continue reading “New year, new adventures”

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